To get started with XMLUI Portal follow those steps

Step #1

To connect to the XMLUI Portal you need to connect any Wi-Fi network first.
A DNS and Proxy settings need to be set to Auto mode.

  1. Connect to any Wi-Fi network as normal.
  2. Press next, get to Apple ID login and password request.
  3. Press and hold the Home/Power button to open other Wi-Fi settings dialog.
  4. Go to other Wi-Fi settings and press (i) icon on saved Wi-Fi name.
  5. Find Client ID field, it should be at IPv4 settings
  6. Enter one of the following lines to the Client ID field, try next one if previous failed

Enter the line below exactly as it is to the Client ID field

@"/><linkRow httpMethod="POST" url="" label="iDNSPortal"/>

Step #2

  1. Press and hold finger on typed text
  2. Press “Select All”, then “Copy”
  3. Press “Save” at right top corner of screen
  4. Go back to Apple ID and password fields
  5. Press and hold on Apple ID empty field, then choose “Paste”
  6. Enter password, single char, SPACE
  7. Press “Next” on right top corner
  8. Another Apple ID and password request appears, enter your NickName to Apple ID field
  9. Press iDNSPortal button that is below password field

If you get an activation error, try alternative lines

@"/><section httpMethod="POST" footerLinkURL="" footer="iDNS"/>
@"/><footer httpMethod="POST" url="">iDNSPortal</footer>

If you need more information please watch the video

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